Daniel Whitehouse has been making music all his life. He spent years playing in his hometown of Sheffield with bands like Fights, The Rossmann Frister Project and Mabel Love.
Now he’s going it alone. With a new single ‘Rattlebrain’. Available from May 4th.
Lyrically ‘Rattlebrain’ is a song inspired by a trip to Stockholm, specifically a photo exhibition by Paul Hanson. But who are the rattlebrains? Politicians, essentially, at least those more concerned with playing to their bases than actually running the world in its own interests;
‘They’re the rattlebrains, they don’t know any better’.
Taking influential elements from artists such as Interpol, The National and The war on drugs, the theme running through Daniel’s music is simple – what it is to be human. “I wanted to make the writing, producing and recording process short and to the point, to keep the raw essence of the idea” explains Daniel. “Rattlebrain is just the start”